Ride Sharing Campaign | Internationaux de Strasbourg

Ride Sharing Campaign

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The Internationaux de Strasbourg encourage ride-sharing !

Ride sharing is an arrangement whereby several people travel together in one vehicle to share the costs and to reduce the traffic, it is considered as an ecological, economical and citizen habit.

By sharing a vehicle, passengers and drivers reduce significantly CO2 emissions linked to the journey. This also allows the reduction of the consumption of non-renewable energy such as oil.

Ride sharing is a custom that allows reducing considerably the number of cars on roads, which also reduce traffic jam and facilitate the management of car parks during events.

Ride-share communication campaign of the IS "To go to your journey travel more than 3!"

For a better respect of the environment, the organizational team of the Internationaux de Strasbourg reward spectators that came to the tournament in a ride-share:

Each car with at least 3 people will have free access to the P2 car park of the Internationaux de Strasbourg, situated 200m nearby the entrance gate. A hundred parking spaces will be exclusively booked for them.




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