Results | Internationaux de Strasbourg


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The Internationaux de Strasbourg, the 1st eco-friendly event in France, participates to the eco-friendly movement every day! Many actions have been taken by the organisation:

new balls opération: 

The traditional ball recycling operation (New Balls Operation) kept its promises. More than 160 people participated in this action for 2 050 pike up balls!

recycling of plastic Caps:

A collaboration with the association Bouchons d'Amour took place a new time to recollect the plastic caps of the IS


A major event such as the Internationaux de Strasbourg could not fail to take advantage of Strasbourg's extensive transport network: bicycle, tram, train, bus, etc.

As every year, the #IS24 will be taking an important number of actions to limit at the maximum the carbone impact of the event. 

BIKE : If you're come by bike, you can enjoy the bike park in front of the tournament's entry.

TER / TGV / TRAIN : If you're coming by train with the SNCF company, you can use a promotional code to benefit from reductions on the ticketing website.

CARPOOL ; If you are using your own car & there are 3 or more people with you, you can use the P2 car park free of charges.

recycling of bio-waste: 

Which is a very important point for us as we are serving a large number of meals all along the week, for 9 days.

Historic point

2015 : 3 days for 80 kgs recycling

2016 : 2 days for 120 kgs recycling

In 2017, the goal was fixed to develop again and again this engagment. The recycled food is transported to the restaurant La Fringale with the association Les restos du Coeur

20176 days for 305 kg of recycled food for equivalent of 400 meal, 170kg of Greenhouse Gaz and equivalent of one round trip Paris/Marseille.

2018 : 6 days for - kg of recycled food for equivalent of 360 meal, 180kg of Greenhouse Gaz and equivalent of one round trip Paris/Lyon.

2019 : 6 days for - kg of recycled food for equivalent of 160 meal, 100kg of Greenhouse Gaz.


Discover the pictures of #IS24 !
