Green | Internationaux de Strasbourg


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As soon as Quarterback took on the management of the Strasbourg Internationals, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the wider interest and potential impacts of such a sporting event, beyond the athletic and entertainment values. Sports being a great communication tool, we decided to make good use of this opportunity to generate awareness about a sensitive topic that concerns a broad audience and a great number of individuals today: sustainable development. Indeed, spreading social values in addition to sports values was of prime importance for us.

The decision to “go green” was made following a simple assessment:
* Environmental protection and sustainable development are at the very heart of the world’s current concerns and they reach a very large, diverse crowd.
* The organization of a sporting event generates remarkable amounts of CO2 emissions, which we naturally must seek to minimize.
* This is a rare approach to sports and therefore a great chance to be trailblazers, and as pioneers, the challenge is all the greater.

In 2010, we worked hard to develop this fresh new approach, while staying realistic given the limited time and means allocated to transform this famous tennis event into a truly green gathering. The first green edition of the IS tournament enabled us to jump-start a process of behavioral changes amongst our suppliers, partners, spectators, players, volunteers, but also within the Quarterback Agency’s team.

In order to effectively implement our initiatives, we  worked closely with ADEME (the French Environment  and Energy Management Agency) before and during the  entire tournament. A Carbon Footprint study, completed  at the end of the 2010 edition, provided tangible proof of t  the positive results derived from all the green initiatives  undertaken in relation to the event.

In 2011 our dynamism to GO GREEN was even stonger. We doubled our efforts and manage to cut down from 17% the carbone FootPrints of the tournament.


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