Sanitary protocol of #IS20 | Internationaux de Strasbourg

Sanitary protocol of #IS20

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In the context of the exceptional health crisis that we have been experiencing since last March, the organization and hosting of sporting events has been affected all over the world,
The organizing team of the Internationaux de Strasbourg, which are usually held in May, was forced to rethink the tournament, to adapt it to the health context so that it could have a chance of being held.

After months of work, and thanks to the establishment of an exceptional health protocol, the #IS were able to adapt and organize their tournament last September. Beyond the fact that the tournament could be held, the #IS20 were the first sporting event of the fall to welcome the public, in optimal security conditions!

All these measures (restrictive and very strong) for the safety of the public allowed us to welcome fans, sports enthusiasts, our elected officials at the Tennis Club de Strasbourg without any health risk. The observed incidence rate was only 0.2% (whereas the average was 5% at the time), which shows the effectiveness of the measures in place. 

For the first tennis tournament in the world, for both men and women, to welcome the public since the beginning of the health crisis, more than 15,000 spectators have been able to enjoy the #IS20s, which have given a little hope to fans and sports enthusiasts.


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